Everything About Dental Veneers: What Are They? How Are They Placed?

Dental veneers are one of the aesthetic treatments that have more visual impact, this is because they are like a mask that is placed over your teeth, and many artists resort to them to show off a more aesthetic smile, which is why they have become fashionable.

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It is important to start by clarifying that not everyone can be a candidate for this type of treatment, since you must first undergo treatments such as caries removal, or in most cases an orthodontics.

What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers are defined as a thin layer of porcelain or composite that is adhered to the visible side of the tooth. Its main objective is to improve the patient’s dental esthetics.

Another particularity of this treatment is that it is only performed on the front teeth, that is, those teeth that are visible when smiling. Dental veneers are made to measure taking into account the particularities of each patient, thus, the result will be optimal and will not only fit the tooth, but will be in accordance with the rest of the teeth.

In What Situations Are Dental Veneers Used?

As we explained in the previous paragraph, the use of dental veneers is designed to improve the patient’s dental aesthetics, so there are many situations where this process can be beneficial. For example, it will serve to correct common defects such as crooked or broken teeth, diastema, or teeth that have stains, both on the enamel and inside the tooth.

In short, it is a simple esthetic process aimed at improving the color, shape, size or position of the teeth.

How Are Dental Veneers Placed?

It is a simple and fast process, however, we must know that, depending on the needs of the patient and the type of material, a different process will be carried out.

First of all, it will be necessary to take measurements of each tooth to know the dimensions that each one should have. On the other hand, it should be noted that in some cases it is necessary to grind the tooth to make room for the placement of the veneer, something that will forever modify our natural tooth.

In any case, there are techniques and materials that allow us to improve the esthetics of our mouth without the need to grind the tooth.

It is usually a simple, quick and painless procedure that will not cause any discomfort to the patient.

What Types of Dental Veneers Are There?

  • Composite veneers: a variety that stands out for its low cost as well as for not requiring grinding the tooth. This material is only indicated for mild cases and is placed in just one session.
  • Porcelain veneers: they offer a better result compared to composite veneers, being a material of higher quality and resistance, ideal for those patients who are looking for a significant improvement of the smile.

Lumineers veneers

Lumineers veneers, whose main feature is that they are ultra-thin (they have the thickness of a contact lens). They are made of porcelain and have become the most demanded alternative nowadays, since they offer a spectacular result and it is not necessary to carve the tooth before inserting this variety.

Finally, we cannot forget other materials that are used in the dental veneers sector, such as ceramic or zirconium, although they are not as popular as porcelain or composite.

In conclusion, it is a relatively new process that responds to a current need, given that it drastically improves the patient’s dental esthetics through an intervention that is as simple as it is fast.

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This post is purely informational and does not replace a consultation with the dentist in any way. Contact the smile agents team to schedule an appointment with one of the dentists at Smilers Dental Clinic.