Main Common Dental Diseases in the Elderly

The passage of time affects us all. Getting older is part of life and usually brings with it all kinds of health problems. Among them is the loss of teeth, whether due to past neglect such as broken teeth, poor dental hygiene, or simply the passage of time has taken its toll on our teeth.

In the case of dental health, it should be noted that ageing brings with it an increased likelihood of developing all kinds of dental diseases. 

Therefore, the most common treatments are dental implants and dental veneers.

Dental Caries

Caries is one of the most common oral diseases and affects people of all ages. In the case of the elderly, it should be noted that caries is a very common pathology due to a wide variety of factors; firstly, teeth are usually worn down and this situation favours the appearance of caries.

In addition, the decrease in saliva is another reason why the probability of suffering from caries increases, given that this is one of the most effective techniques for eliminating the bacteria that cause this disease.

Preventing tooth decay in older people requires a strict dental hygiene routine as well as regular visits to the dentist.

Normally, the extraction of teeth in poor condition is recommended as they are prone to develop caries as well as other dental diseases.

However, it is also possible to prevent tooth loss through endodontics.

What is Endodontics?

Periodontal disease

Another of the pathologies that affect the elderly are periodontal diseases. Some examples are gingivitis or pyorrhoea, diseases that are related to the gums as well as to the rest of the tissues that have the important function of supporting the tooth.

To understand the relationship between these diseases and ageing, it is necessary to consider that the passage of time wears down these tissues and facilitates the appearance of all kinds of problems.


Edentulism is the partial or total loss of teeth. Although it can affect patients of any age, it is true that older people are at greater risk of tooth loss.

Edentulism not only affects the aesthetics of the patient, but also causes significant damage to oral functionality, where they will have difficulty performing everyday actions such as chewing or speaking. In addition, over the years, the bone structure surrounding the missing tooth is also lost and this will mainly affect the patient’s aesthetics.

There are currently a wide variety of techniques dedicated to dental restoration, with the placement of dental implants being one of the most effective and recommendable alternatives when it comes to solving edentulism. Moreover, it is a process that can be carried out without any problem in the elderly.


This disease is popularly known as the sensation of having a dry mouth and originates mainly in elderly patients due to a decrease in the quantity and quality of saliva.

Xerostomia causes a series of problems that are especially visible during chewing and tasting, and is a pathology that is also directly related to the use of certain drugs. In addition, it particularly affects women and it is estimated that more than 30% of elderly people suffer from this pathology.

Among the main tips that will be useful in case of xerostomia, we would highlight the importance of avoiding alcohol and tobacco or refreshing ourselves with small sips of water.

Mouth cancer

Finally, we will talk about oral cancer as another of the most common diseases among the elderly. It mainly affects men over 65 years of age and is one of the most serious oral diseases that exist today.

Fortunately, great advances in the medical field have made it possible for more and more people to overcome this disease and one of the keys to the recovery of a patient with mouth cancer is to detect the disease in time, so it is vitally important to visit the dentist regularly to check the state of our mouth.

Did you know about these diseases that have a major impact on older people?

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