What are Dental Crowns and What are They Used For?

Dental crowns are nowadays one of the dental treatments that improve our dental esthetics, because they are custom-made for the patient. It is important that when looking for this type of treatment we inform ourselves before, because although the procedure is simple, it requires the intervention of a specialist and the best materials.

Although it is usually seen as an esthetic treatment, it is important to mention that crowns also contribute to the functioning of our teeth, when we have teeth that no longer fulfill their main function.

In recent years, treatments focused on recovering dental esthetics have grown considerably. In this sense, we must speak of dental crowns as one of the most important elements, however, it should be clarified that through crowns we will not only improve the patient’s dental esthetics, but also improve their oral functionality.

What are Dental Crowns Used For?

In recent years, treatments focused on recovering dental esthetics have grown considerably. In this sense, we must speak of dental crowns as one of the most important elements, however, it should be clarified that through crowns we will not only improve the patient’s dental esthetics, but also improve their oral functionality.

We could define a dental crown as a custom-made structure used to cover a tooth.

It is a highly customizable option, so it can be used to cover a tooth in poor condition, as well as to be placed on an implant, so in this case it would function as a tooth.

que son las coronas dentales

Crowns, popularly known as caps, offer a spectacular aesthetic result, in fact the final result is so natural that there are hardly any visual differences compared to a natural tooth (or so it should be).

In what situations are dental crowns used?

One of the main peculiarities of the dental crown is that it adapts to different situations, as we will see below:

  • Covering a tooth.
  • Supporting a dental bridge.
  • Crown on implant.

Let’s get to know in detail the different uses of dental crowns.

To cover a damaged tooth or a tooth in poor condition

This is one of the most common uses of dental crowns. It is usually used after endodontic or root canal treatment and, depending on the case, the crown will be placed on a post to give it greater grip and strength.

tipos de coronas dentales

To support a dental bridge

Another common use of the crown is in the dental bridge, a situation that occurs when teeth are missing around them.

Thanks to this intervention, we will obtain a significant improvement in both the aesthetics and the oral functionality of the patient.

Crown on Dental Implant

In recent years, the use of dental implants has increased considerably, as this is the most recommendable and effective treatment in the event of tooth loss.

The implant acts as the root of the tooth and is inserted into the jawbone through a small incision in the gum. A crown is then placed on the implant to perform the aesthetic and functional function of the tooth, which is a highly recommended alternative if we take into account the final result.

Another common use of a dental crown is when it is used to cover a tooth or a molar that does not look aesthetically pleasing.

Types of dental resins

There are different types of dental crowns depending on the material they are made of. In this sense, we will highlight the existence of economical and not very resistant alternatives or much more aesthetic options that have a higher price.

materiales en las coronas dentales

Currently, the most common types in resin manufacturing are:

  • Resin
  • Porcelain
  • Zirconium

Composite resin

One of the most economical options is a crown made of composite resin. This is a material that does not offer much strength or durability, so it is often used as a temporary crown.

Porcelain resin

We are now talking about crowns made of porcelain, one of the most sought-after types today, as we are dealing with a quite resistant material that offers an excellent aesthetic result.

Zirconium Resin

Finally, it is necessary to mention zirconium as another of the most commonly used materials in the manufacture of dental crowns. It is the ideal material for those who are looking for a spectacular aesthetic result, being a perfect option for teeth that are visible when smiling.

Perhaps one of the main shortcomings of zirconium is that it is not a very strong material, which makes it possibly not the best choice for molars.

In the past, other types of materials were used to make crowns, mainly metals such as gold or silver. Nowadays, these materials are no longer in use, as they seriously damage the patient’s dental esthetics, as well as being too expensive.

In short, dental crowns have become an indispensable element in dental practices, as they are of great importance in a wide variety of treatments.

Surely for this reason, we have the possibility to find that variety of dental crown that best suits our situation, needs and budget. Are you ready to restore your smile through dental crowns?

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This post is purely informational and does not replace a consultation with the dentist in any way. Contact the smile agents team to schedule an appointment with one of the dentists at Smilers Dental Clinic.